Rime of the Frostmaiden | The Council’s Call | Episode 39

In this exciting episode of Rime of the Frostmaiden, titled “The Council’s Call,” our intrepid adventurers find themselves summoned before the esteemed Council of Speakers in Bryn Shander. Standing before the council, their courageous efforts in thwarting the devastating attack by the Chardalyn Dragon upon the Ten Towns are lauded and celebrated.

Join us as our heroes are rightfully honored and rewarded for their bravery and selflessness in defending the realm. The council members express their heartfelt gratitude, acknowledging the sacrifices made by the heroes to protect the lives of the townsfolk.

Amidst the applause and admiration, our heroes take a moment to reflect on their journey and the trials they faced. Through unwavering unity and resolve, they emerged triumphant, ensuring the safety and prosperity of the Ten Towns in the face of adversity.

Don’t miss this pivotal episode as our heroes participate in the solemn proceedings of the Council of Speakers. Tune in now and witness a stirring tale of valor, camaraderie, and the enduring spirit of heroism that defines Rime of the Frostmaiden.

Final Boss Fight Plays - Rime of the Frostmaiden - Dungeons and Dragons
Final Boss Fight Plays – Rime of the Frostmaiden – Dungeons and Dragons
Rime of the Frostmaiden | The Council’s Call | Episode 39



John is one of the founding members of Final Boss Fight and was the original Tech Ninja. He now oversees a lot of the production of videos and podcasts for the site and is a constant voice in both of them.


Geoff is just a normal guy who loves gaming in all its forms, but especially PC gaming. He’s on a continual quest for the perfect game that marries story, setting, characters, music, sound and gameplay into one glorious whole. He’s found a few that come close but that one perfect game still eludes him. Someday he will find it. And never play another game ever again.


Kiri McClure is a 19-year-old University student. He plays in several different RPG campaigns but he mainly plays the lovable Tiefling Warlock, Borrowed in FBF’s Storm King’s Thunder D&D Campaign.


Creepypasta narrator, singer (barely), writer, all sorts


If it involves creativity, Shern probably has an interest in it, from cosplay to crafts, textiles to drawing, being creative is what she does best. She is also a gamer who has just started the slippery descent into the rabbit hole that is DnD.


Writer, occasional podcaster & aspiring time-traveller who recently became obsessed with TTRPGs


Sean showed up one day on the sofa during the podcast and we haven’t been able to get rid of him since. But that’s fine, because he likes the same cool stuff we do, and has a rad selection of Dungeons and Dragons books.

Pendragon Nomad

Actual real-life Dragon huzzah!! Concept Artist and a Dragon Lover. Always Hungry and Tired.